
Showing posts from October, 2019

The last pr for Hacktoberfest

The last four days for Hacktoberfest including today. For the last pr, I fixed an issue on css. When I found the issue, I though it was an easy issue to fix. However, after I stepped into it. I found some problem. Set up the environment always cost me so much time. The project is using React that I am not good at it. This is a thinking app that already launch. Click here go to the website. When I checked the GitHub, there are 70+ issues. I picked the issue of fix bullet positioning. It opened 12 says ago. Click here i s the issue. Click here for the pull request. I finished all the pull request Hacktoberfest need. I am so happy. When the first time I heard Hacktoberfest from my professor. I was worried about I cannot finish it. I was thinking fixing issues was very hard. I was not confident in it. Finally I did it. I learned a lot during fixing the issue. Even though a small issue, I can learn something new from the small issue as well. I am very enjoy it. ...

3rd pull request for Hacktoberfest

Here is the latest  pull request I did. Rename "child" to thought" Here is the issue: Here is the pull request: Conclusion: When I found this issue, I think it's very easy and I can fix it very soon. However, after I fixed it. The problem came out. When I change the "child", I forgot to do the change for export and import, the project cannot run. I need to google it how to solve this problem. Ptrvious:  2nd pull request for Hacktoberfest

2nd pull request for Hacktoberfest

I fixed two more small issues to practice how to use GitHub. The first one is using Python.This is a good opportunity for me to learn a new language -- Python . The second one is fixing the layout. After I fixed it, I got the invitation from the organization. Issue: update the copyright to 2019 . Here is the pull request of it: Here is the issue of fixing page layout : Here is the pull request : Conclusion: After I fixed some issues from GitHub, I found I like it. Even though I spent a lot of time to do it. But I learned so much such as set up the environment to run a project. Some project using Docker, Chrome developer tool. It's all new for me. Fixing issue is a good way for me to keep learning new stuff. Keep improving in the future. Previous:  1st pull request for Hacktoberfest

1st pull request for Hacktoberfest

This is the first pull request I did for Hacktoberfest . 1. Look for the issue from the GitHub, there are so many issues there. Here are some link I used: Issue labelled 'Hacktoberfest' Issue labelled 'good first issue' Follow the  Fork the repositories: opendataday Clone it from your own github to your local.        3. Create new branch using: git checkout -b newBranchName. This will create new branch name newBranceName and point the HEAD to it. Never work on the master         4. Open the code and fix the issue.         5. git add . to add all the code you changed.         6. git commit -m "fix issue of the brance "          7. git push origin newBranceName         8. create pull request. Here is the issue: Improve Layout on small displays Here is the pull request: issue20 improve layout on small displays  ...